A validation system for academicians who know their findings in advance
Ah, das Thema Verblödung er amerikanischen Universitäten ist auch mal wieder dran:
Ich bin doch so begeistert von der Karikatur über Wissenschaft und Kreationismus von John Trevor.
Ein amerikanischer Amerikanistik-Professor sagt nun, gefunden über und zitiert in:
Charles Kupfer, associate professor of American studies at Pennsylvania State University-Harrisburg, laments that his field “now serves chiefly as validation system for academicians who know their findings in advance: racism, sexism, and imperialism.”
My academic field, American Studies, is the interdisciplinary study of American cultures, past and present. Once it was a vibrant and useful discipline. Today, I’m sad to report, it is a regular source for “What wacky stuff are they up to on campus?” articles and blogs.
These days, when American Studies captures any attention, it’s usually for unfortunate reasons. […]
The result today is an academic sub-specialty wedded to a tightly-corseted belief that the United States represents the locus of sin (racism, sexism, colonialism, and the like) in the modern world, and that any study of America should restrict itself to call-outs and condemnations. American Studies now serves chiefly as validation system for academicians who know their findings in advance: racism, sexism, and imperialism.
Increasingly, the field is hostile to scholars who don’t want to use it just to berate American traditions and signal their imagined virtue.
Der Text ist lang, aber lesenswert.
Wo immer dieses Gender- und Social-Justice-Gesindel vorbekommt, ziehen sie eine Schneise der Vernichtung und Verblödung.
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