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Das Zusammenleben ohne Deutsche neu aushandeln

4.10.2019 13:03

Es heißt ja immer, die Deutschen (alles Nazis) seien an allem schuld.

Was aber zeigen die empirischen Messwerte, wenn man einfach auf größtmögliche Distanz zu Deutschen geht?

Größtmögliche Distanz = andere Seite der Erdkugel, Down Under. Und bei den Australiern läuft das jetzt so:

Ein 12-jähriger jüdischer Schüler wurde unter Androhung von Schlägen gezwungen, einem muslimischen Schüler die Füße zu küssen, kurz später aber trotzdem verprügelt.

Aus dem Artikel dazu:

Shocking cases of anti-Semitic bullying ‘just the tip of the iceberg’

Shocking photos show how a Jewish kid was forced to kiss a Muslim kid’s shoes or face a beating at the hands of nine children.

Disturbing pictures show how a Jewish schoolboy was forced to kiss the shoe of a Muslim boy or face a vicious beating at the hands of nine other children who ganged up on him in a Melbourne park.

Shocking photos and videos of the incident have been shared on social media and the 12-year-old victim’s parents say no disciplinary action has been taken against the group of boys involved.

His horrified parents told The Australian Jewish News (AJN) that just days after the incident, their son was beaten by another student — leaving him so terrified he wasn’t willing to go back to school.

In separate incident, a five-year-old boy was allegedly called a “Jewish cockroach” and “dirty Jew”, and was repeatedly hounded in the school toilets by his classmates, AJN reported.

Und die zitierte „Australien Jewish News”:

‘A rapidly spreading crisis’
A 12-year-old student in Melbourne was verbally abused, physically assaulted and forced to kiss the feet of a Muslim boy – all because he is Jewish.

Und einen Fünfjährigen machen sie schon kaputt:

A FIVE-YEAR-OLD student began wetting himself in class after he was subjected to antisemitic bullying over the course of four months, … The first child, a prep student at Hawthorn West Primary School, started wetting himself in bed at night, and in class. He also became agitated, began using derogatory language and looked for an excuse each morning to avoid going to school. His parents knew something was wrong, but were unsure if it was all a part of the adjustment process from kindergarten. Then, after spilling his cereal one morning, the five-year-old broke down. “He literally fell down on the floor,” his mother shared with The AJN, “and said, ‘Mummy, you shouldn’t love me. I’m a worthless, Jewish rodent. I’m vermin.’”

Mortified, his mother crumbled on the floor with him.

It was later revealed that the young boy was being bullied on a daily basis by five classmates in the school bathrooms. It started when he was questioned about being circumcised. Then came the barrage of antisemitic insults, including “Jewish vermin”, “the dirty Jew” and a “Jewish cockroach”.

Wenn uns hier Demagogen der Sorte Claudia Roth oder Sawsan Chebli erzählen, solche Antisemitismusvorwürfe seien islamophob und eigentlich ginge es nur um die bösen Nazi-Deutschen, dann wäre die Frage, wie sowas eigentlich am von Deutschland fast am weitesten entfernten Ort und in völliger Abwesenheit von Deutschen passieren kann.

Die Australier merken immerhin gerade, dass sie sich da ein großes Problem gebaut haben. Da funktioniert die Presse auch wenigstens noch ein Stück weit.