Ansichten eines Informatikers

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9.2.2019 1:37

Wie könnte man das anfangen?

Momentan drehen sie ja alle durch. Die in der Politik. Es geht Schlag auf Schlag, jeden Tag gibt es einen neuen Granateneinschlag in die Bürgerrechte, es gibt linkes Dauerfeuer. Jeden Tag irgend ein Stück weiter.

Ein Leser schickte mir einen Screenshot eines Textes, den man verschiedentlich im Internet findet, ohne dass dabei der Urheber ersichtlich würde. Früheste aufzufindende Quellen 2013. Und der beschreibt, was hier abläuft.

There will be no “collapse” the way some of these people think of it. It’s not going to be like the movie “Dawn of the Dead” or whatever where one day suddenly shit hits the fan and prices skyrocket and everyone begins to riot and the SS comes marching down the street to kill everyone. There will be no “happening”. It’s far more insidious than that. Read the poem “The Hollow Men” by TS ELiot and you’ll understand.

You’ll just notice that every day simple things will become a little more expensive. Everyone’s homes and apartments will start to get smaller. your work hours will get longer, but your pay will decrease. You’ll see family and friends less, and find that in time you care less about them. Every day you’ll find yourself lowering your standards for everything: work, food, relationships, etc. Job security will no longer exist as a concept. You’ll notice houses and apartments shrinking. People will start hanging on clothing longer and longer. Less people will get married, even less will have children. People will engross themselves in technological distractions and fantasy while never truly experiencing the real world.

Whatever dream people used to have about what their lives were going to be will become for them a distant memory. The only thing left for them will be the reality of their debt and their poverty. And every minute of every day they will be told: “You are stupid, ugly and weak, but together we are free, prosperous and safe.”

That is the collapse. The reduction of the American man into a feudal serf, incapable of feeling love or hate, incapable of seeing the pitiful nature of his situation for what it is or recognizing his own self worth.

Jeden Tag wird uns etwas genommen. Der Lohn. Das Auto. Die Meinungsfreiheit. Die Wohnung. Die Kultur. Die Sprache. Die Sexualität. Jeden Tag ist irgendwas weg.

Was die Meinungs- und Informationsfreiheit angeht, hätte ich technische Ideen, wie man sich dagegen wehren kann. Aber das lässt sich nicht mal eben so nebenbei realisieren.

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