Youtube Star – Anatomie eines Mordes
Unbeachtliche Randnotiz.
Im Februar 2017 wurde Kim Jong Nam, der Halbbruder des nordkoreanischen Diktators Kim Jong-un, im Flughafen von Kuala Lumpur mit dem Nervengift VX ermordet.
Die Frau, die ihm das ins Gesicht schmierte, sagt, sie dachte, sie wäre Teil einer japanischen Youtube-Reality-Show gewesen und hätte geglaubt, sie käme als Star raus.
How I was tricked into killing Kim Jong Un’s brother: Young mother fooled into smearing playboy with deadly nerve agent in ‘prank’ that she thought would make her a YouTube star […]
They were words Siti Aisyah had long dreamed of hearing, spoken by the filmmaker who had plucked this naive farmer’s daughter from obscurity in order to make her a star. ‘If today goes well you will be known all around the world,’ he told her. ‘You can become a famous actress.’ […]
Her story reads like something out of a far-fetched paperback thriller: a beautiful young woman is recruited by secret agents to fulfil a deadly and clandestine mission. Her excuse – that she didn’t know anything about the murder plot – is even more outlandish. Yet meeting her in the modest home she shares with her devout Muslim parents in an impoverished village goes some way to explaining that. Their simple one-storey house is down a dirt track flanked with coconut and mangrove trees and the living room wall is decorated with treasured family photographs and verses from the Koran. […]
By 2017 she was working as a masseuse in the city’s Flamingo hotel, and picking up night-time clients at the sleazy Beach Club Cafe where, in the small hours of a January morning, she had an encounter with a taxi driver which would change the course of her life for ever. ‘He told me he had a Japanese client who was looking for someone to act in a reality TV show and he said I had just the right look,’ she recalls.
Flattered, Siti went to a meeting in an upmarket shopping mall the next day where she met ‘James’, who told her he was a Japanese TV producer making Candid Camera-style shows for YouTube.
In fact, James – real name Ri Ji U – was a 30-year-old North Korean agent. Unable to speak Indonesian, he communicated via Google Translate. Siti’s first ‘job’ was straightforward enough, if a little odd – and at £80, the pay was lucrative: she merely had to approach three men at random in the local mall and smear baby oil on them before apologising and walking away while James filmed it on his iPhone.
‘Afterwards he told me I had done a good job and there would be more work like this for me,’ she recalls. […]
In the following weeks, Siti was summoned by James to carry out similar pranks in other malls and at Kuala Lumpur airport.
The drill was always the same: James would put lotion on Siti’s hands before she approached her bemused victims from behind and wiped her hands on their face. […]
The following day Siti arrived at a Kuala Lumpur airport coffee shop to meet ‘Mr Chang’ for a briefing on her latest prank. He told her this one would be slightly different: not only did he have a particular target in mind but Siti would carry it out with another ‘actress’ who at the last moment would approach him from another direction.
As with every previous prank, the ‘filmmaker’ then took out a small container, the size of a hotel shampoo bottle and poured liquid on to Siti’s hands, pointed out her target in the busy airport departure lounge, and sent her off in his direction. ‘Mr Chang told me the man was a big boss in his company,’ she says. ‘He said he was very arrogant and might get angry so I should carry out the prank and then get away as quickly as I could.’
Das ist ein Ding. Die wurde vorher in dem Glauben, Youtube-Pranks zu treiben, lange darauf trainiert, Leuten Babyöl ins Gesicht zu schmieren.
Man ging zuerst davon aus, dass die zwei Frauen ihm ein Zwei-Komponenten-Gift ins Gesicht geschmiert haben, jeweils harmlos und erst in der Mischung tödlich. Es war aber so, dass der Angriff redundant ausgeführt wurde, dass beide (anscheinend unabhängig voneinander trainierte) Frauen je eine tödliche Substanz hatten und das selbst kaum überlebt haben.
Initially, intelligence officials thought that each woman may have been carrying different chemical components which, though harmless on their own, would create a deadly compound when mixed together.
In fact, both women were carrying the lethal VX poison on their hands and were very nearly killed themselves in the process.
War wohl auch nicht vorgesehen, dass die dann noch aussagen können.
Der Brüller: Kim Jong Nam hatte für solche Fälle ein Gegengift gegen VX im Rucksack, aber in der Panik nicht daran gedacht, es einzusetzen.
Erinnert mich so entfernt an die Hinrichtungs-Videos des IS, auf dem jede Menge der Gefangenen völlig ruhig und widerstandslos da knien und seelenruhig darauf warten, dass die ihnen den Kopf abschneiden. Man hatte überlegt, wie das möglich ist, ob man denen irgendwelche Drogen gegeben hat. Warum wehren die sich nicht, warum haben die nicht wenigstens Panik oder Angst, nicht mal eine Regung. Bis einer, der irgendwie entkommen konnte, das mal erklärt hat. Das war nicht das erste Hinrichtungsvideo. Die haben das mit denen immer wieder gemacht und bis zur Scheinhinrichtung durchgezogen, bis die sich daran gewöhnt hatten und dachten, das sei jetzt halt wieder so ein beklopptes Wir-tun-so-als-ob-Video, bei dem ihnen nicht ernstlich was passiert und wonach sie wieder in die Zelle gebracht werden.
Im Prinzip nicht viel anders als der Enkel-Trick oder die Millionengeschenke per E-Mail. Man lässt die Leute glauben, sie täten jetzt etwas ganz Tolles.
Wenn also irgendwer kommt und Euch erzählt, Ihr kämt jetzt im Fernsehen oder auf Youtube ganz groß raus, wenn Ihr dies oder jenes macht, seid vorsichtig.