Vom Grad des Kommunismus durch Gehirnwäsche an Universitäten
Maßstäbe der ganz harten Sorte.
Die New York Post schreibt über Yeonmi Park.
Die sei eine „North Korean defector“, ist mir aber nicht so ganz klar, was das genau heißt. Abtrünnige? Flüchtling? Dissident? Eine Äußerung und eine Anmerkung weiter unten sagen, dass sie mit 13 quer durch die Wüste Gobi geflüchtet ist. Naja, Nord-Koreanerin mit staatskritischer Sichtweise eben. Kommt aus dem derzeit (vermeintlich) wüstesten Kommunismus und lebt in den USA.
Die kam nun an die Columbia University (woke) und war ziemlich geschockt darüber, was sie da fand. So durchgeknallt seien sie nicht mal in Nord-Korea.
Yeonmi Park attended Columbia University and was immediately struck by what she viewed anti-Western sentiment in the classroom and a focus on political correctness that had her thinking “even North Korea isn’t this nuts.”
In Nord-Korea wird man zensiert, in den USA muss man sich selbst zensieren:
The 27-year-old told The Post that she could’t believe she would be asked to do “this much censoring of myself” at a university in the United States.
“I literally crossed the Gobi Desert to be free and I realized I’m not free, America’s not free,” she said.
Und der Brüller: Sie sagte, in Nord-Korea habe man ihnen eingetrichtert, die Amerikaner zu hassen.
In Amerika würde ihnen aber noch viel stärker eingetrichtert, sich selbst zu hassen:
“Going to Columbia, the first thing I learned was ‘safe space,’” she said.
“Every problem, they explained us, is because of white men.” Some of the discussions of white privilege reminded her of the caste system in her native country, where people were categorized based on their ancestors, she said.
In one class, a teacher discussing Western Civilization asked students if they had a problem with the name of the topic – most students raised their hands, according to Park. Some, she said, mentioned issues with the “colonial” slant of the discussion. […]
“I thought North Koreans were the only people who hated Americans, but turns out there are a lot of people hating this country in this country,” she told The Post. […]
Cancel culture and shouting down opposing voices is becoming an issue of self-censorship. […]
“Voluntarily, these people are censoring each other, silencing each other, no force behind it,” she said.
“Other times (in history) there’s a military coup d’etat, like a force comes in taking your rights away and silencing you. But this country is choosing to be silenced, choosing to give their rights away.”
Typisches Szenario einer Gehirnwäsche.
Ach, sagt sie ja auch:
“That’s what it does when you’re brainwashed,” she said.
“In some ways they (in the US) are brainwashed. Even though there’s evidence so clearly in front of their eyes they can’t see it.”
Und wir machen den Schwachsinn hier nach.