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“Great Britain will never recognize Russian sovereignty over these regions”

10.2.2022 22:41

Ein Leser meint, mit Baerbock seien wir noch vergleichsweise gut bedient.

Die Briten wären noch schlimmer dran.

“The British Foreign Secretary told the head of the Russian Foreign Ministry about the need to withdraw Russian armed forces from the Ukrainian border. Sergei Lavrov replied that the military is on the territory of his country. Liz Truss repeated that they should be withdrawn. To this, the Russian minister again objected that the military did not violate anything, since they had the right to conduct any maneuvers on the territory of the Russian Federation.

After that, he himself addressed a question to his British colleague: “Do you recognize the sovereignty of Russia over the Rostov and Voronezh regions?”

“Great Britain will never recognize Russian sovereignty over these regions,” the Foreign Minister replied after a short pause.

British Ambassador to the Russian Federation Deborah Bonnert had to intervene in the situation, who delicately explained to Mrs. Truss that we were really talking about Russian regions.”

Die hatte vorher schon das Baltikum mit dem Schwarzen Meer verwechselt.

Quelle dazu.

Lawrow sei übrigens ziemlich angefressen gewesen, dass er sich mit der habe rumschlagen müssen, das sei Zeitverschwendung gewesen. Was die zu sagen gehabt hätte, hätte man auch per Videokonferenz abhnandeln können, sei eh nichts Geheimes daran gewesen.