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Noel Ignatiev: Harvard und die Auslöschung der Weißen

20.2.2025 19:26

Über den amerikanischen Kommunismus und die Ziele in Europa.

Kennt Ihr Noel Ignatiev?

Das war ein Harvard-Professor, Lebzeiten 1940 bis 2019, der die Weiße Rasse abschaffen wollte. Wikipedia:

Noel Ignatiev (/ɪɡˈnætiɛv/; born Noel Saul Ignatin; December 27, 1940 – November 9, 2019) was an American author and historian, as well as a communist activist. He was best known for his controversial theories on race and for his call to abolish “whiteness”. Ignatiev was the co-founder of the New Abolitionist Society and co-editor of the journal Race Traitor, which promoted the idea that “treason to whiteness is loyalty to humanity”.[3] In 1995 he published the book, How the Irish Became White, an examination of the choices made by early Irish Immigrants to the United States, many of whom, when faced with xenophobia and a history of being oppressed themselves, proceeded to take the opportunity to increase their power in society by identifying as “white” and participating in oppressing darker-skinned peoples.[4]


Under the name Noel Ignatin, he joined the Communist Party USA in January 1958, at the age of 17, but in August left (along with Theodore W. Allen and Harry Haywood) to help form the Provisional Organizing Committee to Reconstitute the Marxist–Leninist Communist Party (POC). He was expelled from the POC in 1966.[7]


Ignatiev set up Marxist discussion groups in the early 1980s. In 1985, Ignatiev was accepted to the Harvard Graduate School of Education without an undergraduate degree. After earning his master’s degree, he joined the Harvard faculty as a lecturer and worked toward a doctorate in U.S. history.

Marxist. Kommunist. Depp.

Ignatiev viewed race distinctions and race itself as a social construct, not a scientific reality.[11][12]

Ignatiev’s study of Irish immigrants in the 19th-century United States argued that an Irish triumph over nativism marks the incorporation of the Irish into the dominant group of American society. Ignatiev asserted that the Irish were not initially accepted as white by the dominant Anglo-American population. He claimed that only through their own violence against free blacks and support of slavery did the Irish gain acceptance as white. Ignatiev defined whiteness as the access to white privilege, which according to Ignatiev gains people perceived to have “white” skin admission to certain neighborhoods, schools, and jobs. In the 19th century, whiteness was strongly associated with political power, especially suffrage. Ignatiev’s book on Irish immigrants has been criticized for “conflat[ing] race and economic position” and for ignoring data that contradicts his theses.[12]

Ignatiev stated that attempts to give race a biological foundation have only led to absurdities as in the common example that a white woman could give birth to a black child, but a black woman could never give birth to a white child. Ignatiev asserted that the only logical explanation for this notion is that people are members of different racial categories because society assigns people to these categories.

Die Washington-Times von 2002:

A Harvard professor wants to abolish the white race.
Noel Ignatiev, a founder of a journal called Race Traitor and a fellow at Harvard’s W.E.B. DuBois Institute, a leading black-studies department, argues in the current issue of Harvard Magazine that “abolishing the white race” is “so desirable that some may find it hard to believe” that anyone other than “committed white supremacists” would oppose it.


Mr. Ignatiev pledges in the essay that his journal, Race Traitor, intends to “keep bashing the dead white males, and the live ones, and the females, too, until the social construct known as ‘the white race’ is destroyed not ‘deconstructed’ but destroyed.”

His colleagues at Harvard seem not to take his proposal entirely seriously. Others cite the article as an example of Harvard’s institutional racism.

Der hat was gegen Weiße. Und wohl angeblich jüdisch, scheint er das in erster Linie gar nicht mal an den Deutschen/Nazis, sondern am Verhalten von Iren in Amerika festzumachen.

Könnte es also sein, dass der da die Idee in Umlauf gesetzt hat, dass zum Wohle des Kommunismus die Weißen ausgelöscht werden müssen?

2019 schrieb ein gewisser Mark LeVine, Director of the Program in Global Middle East Studies at UC Irvine, als eine Art Nachruf: Abolishing whiteness has never been more urgent – Noel Ignatiev showed us how.

Abolishing whiteness is different to merely challenging “white supremacy” or “white privilege”. What Ignatiev understood was that for most self-identified “white” people there is, a normally invisible, boundary to how far they will go in working for true racial equality. Unsurprisingly, those boundaries become apparent around issues – such as equal access to education and jobs – that might threaten or merely inconvenience the advantages and privileges of whiteness.

A recent example is the controversy surrounding a school desegregation plan in the city of Columbia, Maryland – a town established in the 1960s as an integrated community symbolising the “Next America”. The opposition to the plan reveals how those who enjoy privilege will behave in ways they would otherwise consider racist when they are called upon to potentially sacrifice some of that privilege to benefit long-disadvantaged African American and Hispanic communities.

This should not surprise us. While whiteness and its avatar, “Western civilisation”, have for centuries declared themselves to be the epitome of Enlightenment and freedom, historians have demonstrated not only the historicity of whiteness and its contingency, but that whiteness emerged directly and almost exclusively through its connection to imperialism/colonialism, slavery, genocide and modern-day racism.


One would have better luck taking wetness away from water – at least you can freeze it – than to rip the racism out of whiteness. Even the US’s first black president could not freeze the racism that has always defined this country. Instead, despite his best efforts, his presidency unleashed a torrent of renewed racial animosity and policies, all embodied by the ultimate avatar of white nationalist masculinity, Donald Trump.

Wobei das ja immer etwas schwankt zwischen „Abolish whiteness“ (Weißsein abschaffen) und Weiße abschaffen.

Nimmt man noch dazu, dass Yascha Mounk, Professor in den USA, 2018 vom Bevölkerungsaustauschexperiment faselte, ebenfalls 2018 auch Jakob Augstein davon blubberte, und in Frankreich der Kommunist Jean-Luc Mélenchon die Weißen durch eine kreolische Mischrasse ersetzen will, dann ist klar, was hier abläuft:

Sozialismus und Kommunismus haben noch nie funktioniert, und das Scheitern dieser Ideologie lastet man nun den Weißen an: Die sind zu intelligent und eigenwillig.

Die Idee des Sozialismus und Kommunismus beruht auf auf einer Einheitspartei aus faulen Idioten mit dummen Ideen, und einem noch viel dümmeren Proletariat, als dessen Anwalt und Vertreter sie sich aufspielen können, weil die nicht merken sollen, was läuft. Stichwort: Animal Farm.

Funktioniert aber nicht mit Weißen. Es funktioniert auch nicht ohne Weiße. Aber die Weißen machen das Maul auf und lassen die Kommunisten spüren, dass sie eine Partei aus Idioten sind, und man merkt, dass sie dumm sind. Und die Nazis und die Faschisten haben sich ja sogar explizit dem Kommunismus in den Weg gestellt und dessen Ausbreitung über Festland-Europa gewaltsam verhindert.

Und es hieß ja auch nach jedem Scheitern, etwa dem der DDR, dass man nur einfach noch nicht die richtige Sorte Mensch gehabt habe.


Man versucht, die Weißen auszurotten oder zumindest in die Bedeutungslosigkeit zu drängen, weil man sich erhofft und verspricht, dass eine neu zu erschaffende Mischrasse gerade so schlau ist, dass sie Arbeitsanweisungen befolgt und glaubt, was man ihr sagt.

Das läuft hier gerade ab.