Ansichten eines Informatikers

Ungarn will Gender Studies abschaffen

10.8.2018 19:36

Ach, guck.

Das Hungary Journal berichtet, dass zwei ungarische Ministerien den Universitäten eine 24-Stunden-Frist zur Stellungnahme für ein geplantes Verbot der Gender Studies gesetzt haben.

The Ministry of Human Capacities told later today that there is absolutely no interest for gender studies graduates in the Hungarian job market. EMMI added that the course is economically irrational, so they assume that it’s not launched to give the students useful knowledge, but it serves other interests. According to the ministry, the gender studies MA takes away resources from other courses and harms the economic stability of the universities.

Christian Democratic members of the government have been criticising gender studies courses, according to them it’s an ideology, not science – HVG reminds.

Was auch immer man über Ungarn denken mag, diese Beschreibung trifft in Deutschland auch zu.