Ansichten eines Informatikers

Umgekippt: Das Akademische kann sich selbst nicht mehr retten

16.8.2020 18:11

Wie ein See, der „umgekippt” ist.

Was meint man mit „Umkippen eines Sees”?

Umkippen ist eine plötzliche, katastrophale Zustandsveränderung eines Gewässers durch Sauerstoffmangel.

Ein auffälliges Anzeichen ist das Absterben vieler Besiedler, z. B. Fischsterben, und das einseitige Überhandnehmen anderer Besiedler, insbesondere Blaualgen und andere Bakterien. In Abschnitten größerer Gewässer und Meeresbuchten können so tote Zonen entstehen (engl. dead zones).

Die Schweizer Weltwoche hat einen Artikel von John M. Ellis. “Academia can’t be reformed from within” Der Hochschulbereich kann sich selbst nicht mehr retten.

Over the course of a few crucial decades, the radical Left methodically took over America’s college campuses. It has eradicated dissent and replaced scholarship with indoctrination. Now it extends beyond the campus gates into American life. Die Weltwoche asks, “Can it be stopped?”

Die radikale Linke habe die Universitäten innerhalb weniger Jahrzehnte übernommen, jeden Dissens eliminiert und Ausbildung durch Indoktrination ersetzt. Nun sind sie dabei, sich von den Universitäten in das allgemeine Leben auszubreiten.

There is no more political debate?

Campus political debate is now more or less non-existent, and ideas get simply more and more foolish because there is no discipline from the other side. Leadership goes from the sensible ones, as I was saying before, to the most extreme. Since everyone is on the one side of the political spectrum, leadership will pass to those who are most extreme in the promotion of the ideas of the left. At the moment the American university is dominated not just by the left but by the radical left. The general public has been suddenly taken by surprise by the recent violence, riots and pulling down of monuments. I think people did not understand how strong the radical left had become.

Das Problem liege daran, dass die Professoren radikalisiert beyond repair seien:

Can this trend, that has been building for five decades, be stopped?

Yes, that may be possible, but not by the methods that most people are suggesting. Most suggestions amount to making new rules to guide professors. In other words, we should tell them that they mustn’t shout down other people or that they mustn’t use the classroom for political advocacy. That’s a waste of time because college professors now are so radicalized that I don’t think you can restrain them. They will do what they want to do in their classrooms. They will use them to promote radical left ideas whatever we tell them.

Is there a chance to turn the tide?

Academia can’t be reformed from within. It will take concerted action by the society that academia is supposed to serve. I’m talking about parents who pay a large amount of money for their children to go to college, the students themselves who incur large debts in order to go to college, people who pay taxes that support state universities, philanthropists who give money to colleges. All those people contribute an enormous amount of money to higher education. They all assume that it’s going to higher education, and it’s not. Most of it is going to political indoctrination.

Man wird die Universitäten nur noch mit enormem Druck von außen reformieren, gegen die Professoren.